C# Programming Corner

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  1. This article explores the differences between implicit and explicit interface implementation in C#. It explains how to implement an interface in two ways using classes, highlighting the accessibility of methods.
  2. C# 12 unveils a hidden gem - inline arrays. This article delves into these performance powerhouses, showcasing how they boost speed, simplify memory management, and enhance type safety. Discover their functionalities and practical applications in diverse scenarios like geometric operations.
  3. In this article, we’ll walk through how to create a generic method that can compare the objects of any class, even those with nested collections. We’ll break it down step by step so you can implement this in your projects effortlessly.
  4. This article provides a comprehensive overview of the ArrayIOExtensionsLib class, detailing its functionality for converting arrays to text files in C#. We explore its key features, methods, and practical applications, including data serialization and file management techniques.
  5. Learn how to efficiently delete an element from a binary tree using C#. This guide covers the complete process of node deletion, including leaf nodes, nodes with one or two children, and root node removal.
  6. The Fibonacci series is a mathematical sequence starting with 0 and 1, where each subsequent number is the sum of the previous two. This article explores three methods to compute Fibonacci numbers in C#: recursion, memoization, and an optimal iterative approach.
  7. Learn how to efficiently find and replace text in a Word document using C#. This guide covers essential concepts such as Microsoft Word automation, leveraging the Word Interop library, and implementing simple code examples.
  8. This article describes Collections in C#. A collection is a way to create and manage groups of related objects. The group of objects can grow and shrink dynamically depending on the requirements in the collection.
  9. Learn essential string manipulation techniques, including whitespace removal, case insensitivity, and character comparison. We’ll provide clear code examples and algorithms to efficiently determine if a given string reads the same forwards and backwards, enhancing your C# programming skills.
  10. Discover the REPR Pattern, a powerful design technique tailored for C# developers. Learn how this pattern can simplify code structure, improve maintainability, and optimize performance in C# applications.
  11. In this article, we explore how Func delegates operate within LINQ (Language Integrated Query) in C#. Func delegates enable concise and powerful data manipulation by allowing developers to pass methods as parameters.
  12. This article explains how to use Func and Action delegates in C# to implement callbacks, providing flexible and reusable code. It includes practical examples for both returning and non-returning methods.
  13. In this article, we explore the distinctive features of C# generics and how they enhance programming efficiency. We compare generics with non-generic types, focusing on benefits like type safety, code reusability, and performance optimization.
  14. In this article, we will explore how these concepts drive effective software modeling, ensuring alignment between the business domain and your codebase.
  15. C#.NET applications can access OAuth-protected REST APIs. You'll obtain an access token through OAuth flow (often via a separate request) and include it in the authorization header of your HttpClient calls.
  16. Learn how to write cleaner, more maintainable code with C# 12 features such as primary constructors and improved pattern matching. This article explores practical examples and tips for applying clean code practices with C# 12.
  17. This guide provides practical C# code solutions for handling file access issues, including techniques for managing file locks and ensuring smooth file operations without interruptions.
  18. This blog explores the choice between programming languages like C#, C++, and Java, focusing on productivity, ease of use, and project requirements. It emphasizes the importance of selecting the right language for the task, the advantages of using frameworks like .NET, and considerations for team capabilities and project architecture.
  19. This article explores the concepts of Destructor and Dispose in C#. It illustrates the object's lifecycle, highlighting how constructors allocate memory and destructors clean up. The role of the Garbage Collector is discussed, emphasizing the importance of implementing IDisposable for managing unmanaged resources efficiently.
  20. This article explores the benefits of Dispose for efficient resource cleanup, improved performance, and reliable memory management in C#. Discover best practices for handling managed and unmanaged resources effectively.
  21. The Task Parallel Library (TPL) is a collection of public types and APIs within the .NET framework that facilitates the integration of parallelism and concurrency into applications.
  22. This article explores five methods for converting a C# POCO to a dictionary using reflection, LINQ, JSON libraries, and ExpandoObject, comparing their performance through Benchmark.NET to find the best approach.
  23. An indexer in C# allows objects to be indexed like arrays, enabling access to elements using an index. It’s defined with this keyword and can be used to encapsulate data access in a class or struct. Indexers enhance the flexibility and readability of code by simplifying element retrieval and storage.
  24. In C#, Action, and Func are generic delegates used to handle methods. Action is used for methods that don't return a value, while Func returns a value. Action<int> executes a method with an integer parameter without returning a result. Func<int, int> takes an integer, performs an operation, and returns the result.
  25. In C#, the Action delegate represents a method that does not return a value and can accept up to 16 parameters. It's useful for passing methods as arguments, callbacks, and event handling. It supports lambda expressions and anonymous methods, making code more concise. Unlike Func<T>, Action always returns void.
  26. In C#, the switch statement serves as a control structure that enables the execution of distinct code blocks based on the value of a variable. It is frequently utilized when there is a need to compare a variable with multiple constant values and to carry out various actions according to the outcome.
  27. A copy constructor in C# allows creating a new object by copying an existing object. It duplicates the values of properties and fields from the original object. This method is useful for creating independent object copies, enhancing code readability, and managing object duplication efficiently.
  28. Learn how to work with FTP (File Transfer Protocol) using C# in this comprehensive guide. Explore how to connect to FTP servers, upload and download files, and manage file transfers programmatically.
  29. This article describes how to implement serialization and deserialization using Protobuf-net.dll. This article explores Protobuf-net, a .NET library for efficient serialization and deserialization using Google's Protocol Buffers.
  30. In this article, we will learn how to implement this pattern in your C# code, improve code reusability, and follow best practices for more maintainable and flexible software design.
  31. Find out how Ziggy Rafiq simplifies A/B testing with feature toggles in C# 12 by using Factory and Abstract Factory design patterns.
  32. This article explores the implementation of 10 common searching algorithms in C#, detailing their use cases, workings, and complexities. From simple linear searches to more complex algorithms like Binary Search, Jump Search, and KMP, this guide provides code examples and insights into optimizing search efficiency.
  33. By Ziggy Rafiq, discover how Factory and Abstract Factory design patterns simplify the creation of complex objects in C# 12.
  34. Domain-driven design is a software development approach that closely aligns software models with business needs. It focuses on key concepts like Entities, Value Objects, Aggregates, and Aggregate Roots to ensure consistency, integrity, and scalability in complex systems by structuring code around the business domain.
  35. This guide covers the principles of object-oriented programming, including inheritance and polymorphism, and demonstrates practical techniques for effective interface re-implementation and code refactoring.
  36. This guide explores essential C# best practices for robust, maintainable code. It covers using meaningful variable names, following naming conventions, handling null values, and using var judiciously.
  37. In this detailed article by Ziggy Rafiq, you will learn how to implement key components like AbstractFactory, ConcreteFactory, AbstractProduct, and ConcreteProduct in .NET Core with C# 12. By leveraging the modern features of C# 12 and .NET Core, this pattern enhances flexibility and scalability in software development.
  38. A race condition in C# occurs when multiple threads access shared data simultaneously without proper synchronization, leading to unpredictable and incorrect results. This tutorial covers how to identify and resolve race conditions and critical section issues in multi-threaded .NET applications using the lock keyword.
  39. This article details creating a `StringUtils` utility class in Java to centralize common string operations. It covers methods for checking if a string is alphanumeric with underscores or consists solely of letters, enhancing code organization and reusability.
  40. Learn how to create a custom message box in a Windows Forms application using C#. This step-by-step guide covers everything from designing the message box to implementing it in your WinForms project.
  41. This guide explains how DIP enhances software design by decoupling high-level and low-level modules, promoting flexibility and maintainability. Understand its implementation using Dependency Injection and best practices in C#.
  42. This article explains C# basics with C# code examples including C# data types, class, objects, properties, and methods. You'll also learn basic OOP concepts such as overloading, polymorphism, abstraction, and interfaces. The article also covers common iteration statements including for, while, do while, and foreach.
  43. In multi-threaded C# programming, the lock statement ensures that critical code sections are accessed by only one thread at a time. While lock(this) locks on the current instance, it can expose your object to external locking, leading to potential deadlocks.
  44. The [Flags] attribute in C# allows an enum to represent a combination of values using bitwise operations. This is useful when an enum needs to store multiple values simultaneously. By applying [Flags], enum members can be combined using bitwise OR, and specific values can be checked with bitwise AND or HasFlag.
  45. Explore the Interface Segregation Principle (ISP) from SOLID design principles to ensure code flexibility and maintainability. ISP advocates for breaking down large, unwieldy interfaces into smaller, client-specific ones, reducing unnecessary dependencies. Learn how to apply this principle with practical examples in C#.
  46. An in-depth look at performance enhancements, language improvements, and new libraries in this comprehensive article by Ziggy Rafiq.
  47. This guide explores the detailed use of Tuples and ValueTuples in C#. It covers their differences, how to create and manipulate them, and practical examples for implementing them in real-world applications.
  48. In this article we can learn how to make our own QR code. Make a QR report using RDLC reports with preview condition.
  49. Learn how records differ from classes, their advantages in creating immutable types, and how they enhance object initialization, equality checks, and more in .NET applications.
  50. The Liskov Substitution Principle (LSP) ensures that objects of a base class can be replaced with objects of a derived class without altering program correctness. This principle, part of SOLID design, promotes reliable and maintainable code by maintaining consistent behavior across class hierarchies.
  51. Server-Sent Events (SSE) in C# .NET enable real-time, one-way communication from server to client over HTTP, ideal for live updates like notifications or data streaming. Unlike WebSockets, SSE is simpler, requiring only server-side implementation.
  52. This article explores how the yield return statement in C# can simplify iteration logic and enhance code quality. By allowing deferred execution and creating custom iterators, developers can write more efficient and readable code.
  53. The Open/Closed Principle (OCP) states that software entities should be open for extension but closed for modification. This principle helps in creating flexible and maintainable code by allowing new functionality to be added without altering existing code.
  54. In this article, we will look into automation of Tortoise SVN activities like checkout, delete, rename on a SVN repository using C# in a console application.
  55. This article explores how to leverage C# records for implementing Data Transfer Objects (DTOs) in .NET. It delves into the benefits of using records for immutable data structures, enhancing code readability, and reducing boilerplate.
  56. This article covers using Func, Action, and local functions in C# 7. It explains how Func returns a value, Action does not, and how local functions can be defined within other methods. Examples include checking for prime numbers, printing the Fibonacci series, and calculating factorials.
  57. Explore how to modernize your C# code by transitioning from traditional switch statements to the more concise and powerful switch expressions introduced in C# 8.0.
  58. In this article, we will discover practical use cases for each, and understand when to choose one over the other in your C# applications to enhance code efficiency and readability.
  59. In software development, validating user input is crucial to prevent errors and security issues. Regular expressions (regex) are used to validate fields such as email, zip codes, and phone numbers. This C# example demonstrates using regex for validation in a Windows Forms app, ensuring data accuracy and security.
  60. To update your project to C# 7.1, you can use one of three methods: 1) Through Visual Studio Project Properties by selecting C# 7.1 in the Build menu. 2) By editing the csproj file and setting <LangVersion>7.1</LangVersion>. 3) Using the Lightbulb Box feature to automatically upgrade all projects.
  61. Learn how to implement multithreading in C# using the Thread class. This guide covers creating and managing threads, passing parameters, handling exceptions, and using Task for simplified parallelism. Improve your application's performance by understanding these core concepts and techniques.
  62. This article introduces multithreading in C# using the Task class from the Task Parallel Library (TPL). It explains creating and executing tasks serially within a loop, ensuring tasks are completed sequentially. An example demonstrates task creation and simulating work with delays.
  63. xploring ValueTask in C#" delves into the intricacies of the ValueTask type introduced in C#. It compares ValueTask with Task, highlighting performance benefits and appropriate use cases.
  64. Learn how to extract only the letters from a string in C# using various methods. This guide covers techniques such as using regular expressions, string manipulation methods, and LINQ to filter out non-letter characters.
  65. Error handling in async code involves using try-catch blocks to manage exceptions, ensuring smooth operation. Task chaining, like a relay race, connects tasks so the result of one task feeds into the next.
  66. In C#, intra-process synchronization involves managing concurrency within a single process using tools like lock, Mutex, and Semaphore. Inter-process synchronization deals with coordination between separate processes using similar mechanisms.
  67. Avoid using `await` inside C# loops as it causes sequential execution and resource contention, leading to poor performance. Instead, use alternatives like `Task.WhenAll`, `Parallel.ForEachAsync`, or `SemaphoreSlim` to handle asynchronous operations concurrently and efficiently.
  68. Unit Testing in ASP.NET Core involves testing individual components or methods to ensure they work as intended. By creating test cases for small functionalities, developers can catch bugs early, improve code quality, and follow TDD principles. Tools like xUnit are used to automate and organize these tests efficiently.
  69. This C# code demonstrates how to mask sensitive numbers, like Aadhar or account numbers. It validates input length, uses StringBuilder to format Aadhar numbers with spaces, and shows account number masking via substring, regex, and string formatting.
  70. This article will discuss the C# Access Modifiers
  71. Intermediate code optimization in C# improves performance by refining Intermediate Language (IL) code. Techniques like inlining, loop optimizations, dead code elimination, and constant folding enhance runtime efficiency and reduce overhead.
  72. Learn how to implement JWSHMAC in an ASP.NET web application to secure JSON data using HMAC. This guide covers installing the JWT NuGet package, creating a JWT helper class for token generation and validation, and configuring authentication middleware.
  73. In this article, we will Understand key concepts, such as iterator methods and custom iteration patterns, and enhance your C# programming skills with practical examples and tips.
  74. LINQ (Language Integrated Query) is a powerful feature in .NET that allows developers to write SQL-like queries directly in C# or VB.NET. It supports querying collections, XML, databases, and more, using a syntax that integrates seamlessly with the language.
  75. The XOR operator (`^`) in C# is essential for bitwise operations, comparing binary values bit by bit. It is used for tasks like encryption, error detection, and data manipulation.
  76. Sealed classes in C# are a vital concept in object-oriented programming, preventing other classes from inheriting them. This ensures a secure and stable class hierarchy by stopping further extension.
  77. The Builder design pattern is a creational pattern used to construct complex objects step by step. It separates the object's construction from its representation, allowing for varied configurations and ensuring immutability.
  78. In this article, we will learn how to encapsulate data for security, leverage inheritance for code reuse, and implement polymorphism to create flexible and scalable applications.
  79. This article guides you through starting a C# project, including setting up Visual Studio or Visual Studio Code, creating a new project, and configuring essential features like dependency injection, configuration management, and logging.
  80. Explore Wrapper Classes and Object Composition in object-oriented programming. Learn how wrappers adapt interfaces and enhance functionality without altering code, ideal for legacy systems.
  81. String.Join vs. Loops: C#" explores the efficiency and performance differences between using String.Join and traditional looping methods for string concatenation in C#.
  82. The discard variable (_), introduced in C# 7.0, allows developers to ignore values intentionally. It enhances code clarity by signaling unused data in tuples, pattern matching, out parameters, and LINQ queries, promoting cleaner, more efficient, and maintainable programming in .NET applications.
  83. Explore the fundamentals of C# abstract classes through clear examples and detailed explanations. Learn how abstract classes facilitate code reusability and polymorphism in object-oriented programming, with practical demonstrations of their usage and implementation in C#.
  84. Explore the nuances between IEnumerable and IQueryable in C#. Understand how these interfaces differ in data retrieval and manipulation, with a focus on performance implications and suitable use cases.
  85. JSON Web Tokens (JWT) are a popular method for securely transmitting information between parties as a JSON object. This article explores the fundamentals of JWT, including its structure, encoding, and common use cases in authentication and authorization.
  86. Polymorphism in C# involves method overloading (multiple methods with the same name but different parameters), method overriding (subclass provides specific implementation of a method in the parent class), and method hiding (subclass hides a method from the parent class).
  87. This article delves into the intricacies of left and right shift operators in C#. You'll learn how these bitwise operators work, their syntax, and practical applications.
  88. Error handling is a crucial aspect of software development, ensuring that applications can gracefully handle unexpected situations and maintain robust functionality. In C#, error handling is typically managed using exceptions.
  89. This content delves into two fundamental concepts of Object-Oriented Programming (OOP): object inheritance and object composition. It explores how inheritance enables class hierarchies and polymorphism, allowing for code reusability and extension.
  90. Explore the Unit of Work pattern in C#, essential for modern application development. Discover how it facilitates efficient database operations, manages transactions with Entity Framework, and enhances the scalability and maintainability of your data access layer.
  91. Using C# 12 and gRPC in .NET 8, Ziggy Rafiq guides you through setting up your environment, defining services, and developing client and server applications with gRPC.
  92. Explore the advanced features of C# with a focus on Discriminated Unions and .NET Channels. Learn how Discriminated Unions enhance type safety and pattern matching, and how .NET Channels facilitate concurrent and asynchronous programming.
  93. This article delves into the differences between interfaces and abstract classes in object-oriented programming. It explores their roles in languages like Java and C#, highlighting key concepts such as inheritance, polymorphism, and abstraction.
  94. Unlock the power of C# Generics with our comprehensive guide. Master best practices, explore advanced scenarios, and elevate your coding skills with this in-depth C# Generics tutorial. Learn to write efficient, flexible, and type-safe code for a wide range of scenarios, ensuring optimal performance.
  95. This article explores the differences between sealed and abstract classes, providing real-time case studies to illustrate their use in software development. Learn how sealed classes restrict inheritance, while abstract classes serve as blueprints for other classes.
  96. TaskCompletionSource<T> in .NET allows manual creation and control of tasks, enabling custom async patterns and adapting non-task-based APIs. With methods like SetResult, SetException, and SetCanceled, it facilitates complex asynchronous operations, event handling, and integration, enhancing code flexibility and readability.
  97. Understanding dependency lifetimes in .NET is crucial for effective dependency injection. Singleton instances persist throughout the application's lifespan, scoped instances are tied to specific requests, and transient instances are short-lived.
  98. Unlock the methods to efficiently retrieve entity record IDs in Dynamics 365 Customer Engagement (D365 CE) CRM plugins. This guide explores step-by-step processes, best practices, and tips for developers to enhance their CRM customizations.
  99. Creating custom controls in C# Windows Forms enhances user experience by providing tailored functionalities. This guide covers deriving controls, combining multiple controls into composite ones, and implementing owner-drawn controls.
  100. Error handling is a critical aspect of software development. It ensures that your applications can gracefully handle unexpected situations, maintain stability, and provide meaningful feedback to users. In C#, the .NET framework offers robust mechanisms for error handling.